Corporate Wellbeing.

Grab headphones, plug in and check out my 10 minute Alchemy Crystal Bowl Soundbath Meditation for the workplace.

By prioritising the wellbeing of employees and offering them the highest form of support, businesses can create a positive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to contribute their best to the success of the company.

As an experienced Rest Practitioner in Corporate Wellbeing, I offer high level collaborations on a long term engagement, my approach is curated to support the evolving needs and dynamics within our corporate families.


Better Decision Making:

Reduced stress and improved focus enable employees to make clearer, more thoughtful decisions.

Creating a Feeling of Connectedness to Body and Mind:

Mindfulness practices encourage individuals to become more aware of their bodies and thoughts, cultivating a deeper connection between the two.

Easing Anxiety, Stress and Releasing Tension:

Sound baths, mindful meditation, and Yoga Nidra practices are known to help individuals relax their bodies and minds, which can alleviate feelings of overwhelm and stress.

Boosted Morale and Well-being:

Employees feel more supported and valued when employers offer opportunities for rest and relaxation, leading to higher morale and overall well-being.

Opening up Creativity and Supporting Blue Sky Thinking:

When the mind is relaxed and free from stress, creativity can flow more easily. These practices provide a space for thoughts to wander and for new ideas to emerge.

Enhancing Focus and Concentration:

Regular rest practices can improve cognitive functions like focus and concentration by training the mind to stay present and attentive.

Replenishing the body's immunity:

Sound has a deeply restorative effect, capable of amplifying homeostasis within the body and activating balance on a profound cellular level.

Creating Meaningful Connections Within Teams:

Group mindfulness activities like Soundbaths or Yoga Nidra can foster a sense of community and connection among co-workers, which can enhance teamwork and collaboration.

Let’s Collaborate.

I am highly responsive, adaptable, and committed to meeting your organisation's wellbeing needs. As an experienced Rest Practitioner in Corporate Wellbeing, I am here to guide you and your company towards sustainable, healthy rest habits that will benefit not only individuals within the workplace but also extend to their personal lives and beyond, creating a positive ripple effect throughout various aspects of life.

Invite me to join you for a taster session?

I offer the following structure, however flexible around your needs.
